
God has everything in his hand

” Some of you are perplexed with a multitude of anxieties about your life. You do not know what to do. You have tried various ways and methods to escape your present difficulty. But you have been disappointed and are distracted. The currents meet and twist as if you were in a whirlpool. 

My perplexed friend, remember the children of Israel at the Red Sea. The sea before them, rocks were on either side, and the cruel Egyptians roared in the rear. Imitate Israel`s actions. “ Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today” (Exodus 14:13)

You reply: “ I cannot be quiet. I am agitated, perturbed, perplexed, tossed and distracted. What shall I do?... Remember, you way is ordered by a higher power than your will and choice. The eternal God has fixed your every steps…He who loved us from before the foundations of the world has immutably determined every step of our pilgrimage. It is a blessed thing, after you have been mudding and meddling with your anxieties, to throw your burdens om the Lord and leave them there.”    

Charles Haddon Spurgeon -


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  • Conny » Gud väntar ibland med svaren.:  ”Mycket bra angående Gud hör bön. Yes så är det som du beskriver. Gud är stor och..”

  • Elena Frödin » Ett under och ett tecken!:  ”Amen! Vilken kraft det är i hans namn. Wow”

  • Thommy Jakobsson » Kvinnan på bussen...:  ”Siri! Det är sant. Har också läst om den berättelsen. Det sägs att Smith W. int..”

  • Siri » Kvinnan på bussen...:  ”Jag läste om Smith Wigglesworth en gång då han bara gick igenom en fabrik där må..”


